Here are the specifications for export-quality apples:
Variety: Popular export varieties include Fuji, Gala, Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, and Granny Smith.
Size: Apples should be of uniform size, typically between 70mm to 90mm in diameter, depending on the variety.
Color: The apples must have consistent color depending on the variety, with no visible signs of over-ripeness, greening, or discoloration.
Shape: Apples should be round or slightly conical with smooth, even surfaces. Deformities or misshapen apples should be avoided.
Texture: The flesh should be firm and crisp. The apples should not feel soft or mushy.
Condition: Apples must be free from bruises, cuts, scarring, or any physical damage. No visible pest or disease damage is allowed.
Firmness: The apples should be firm to the touch, with no soft spots or excessive ripeness.
Taste: Apples should have a sweet-tart flavor, characteristic of the specific variety. Overly sour or under-ripe apples should be avoided.
Cleanliness: Apples must be free of dirt, mold, and pesticide residues.
Packaging: Apples should be packed in food-grade cartons or crates, ensuring good ventilation and protection from bruising during transport.
Shelf Life: The apples should have a shelf life that allows for safe shipping and sale in the destination country, typically at least 3–4 weeks after harvest.
Temperature: Apples should be stored and transported at optimal temperatures (typically between 1–4°C) to prevent premature ripening.
Weight: Standardized weight for export (often around 20–25kg per carton depending on the market requirements).
Compliance: Must meet international food safety and quality standards (e.g., GlobalGAP, ISO certifications).