Export Quality Kiwi Fruit Specifications
1. Variety
- Hayward (Most Common)
- Bruno, Allison, Monty (Other Varieties)
2. Size & Weight
- Small: 70-90g
- Medium: 90-110g
- Large: 110-140g
- Jumbo: 140g+
3. Shape & Appearance
- Oval to oblong shape
- Uniform size and shape
- Firm texture
4. Skin Quality
- Brown, thin, and slightly fuzzy
- Free from cuts, bruises, and wrinkles
5. Flesh & Taste
- Green or golden flesh
- Juicy, sweet, and tangy flavor
- High sugar content (14-18 Brix)
6. Maturity & Ripeness
- Harvested at 6.2–7.0% dry matter
- Firmness: 5-8 kgf/cm²
7. Packaging
- 3kg, 5kg, 10kg corrugated boxes
- Protective trays to prevent damage
- Proper ventilation
8. Storage & Shelf Life
- Temperature: 0°C to 1°C
- Humidity: 90-95%
- Shelf life: 4-6 months in cold storage
9. Certifications & Standards
- Global GAP, ISO, HACCP
- Phytosanitary Certification
- Residue-free (as per importing country standards)